The Best Mobility Exercises to Improve Your Posture

This Workout Supports Good Posture By Improving Your Strength and Mobility! Posture, strength, and mobility are connected in what can be a potentially vicious cycle. If you slouch all day, you run the risk of weakening the muscles and immobilizing the joints you need to keep yourself upright. This routine focuses on some of the majorly important zones for good posture. You need to have back strength and mobility to keep your shoulders pulled back:

00:00 Scapular Retraction
00:38 Reverse Flys
1:14 Standing Side Leg Rotation
1:50 Shoulder stretch
2:25 Front Stretch
3:00 Shoulder Mobility
3:36 Hip Hinge
4:12 Good Morning
4:47 Back Stretch
5:23 Scapula Wall Slides
5:58 Back Stretch
6:39 Side Crunch Wall

#mobility #posture #back #shoulder
