Belly fat can be stubborn and hard to lose, but these 12 exercises hold the key to erasing it. Belly fat is really easy to gain but seems almost impossible to lose. You’re probably aware your diet is the key when it comes to belly fat.
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00:00 Crunch Floor
00:43 Sit-up
1:21 Rest 30sec
1:54 Elbow to Knee Sit-up
2:34 Air Twisting Crunch
3:13 Rest 30sec
3:46 Horizontal Scissor
4:26 Flutter Kicks
5:05 Rest 30sec
5:37 Oblique Crunches with Straight Leg Lift L
6:13 Oblique Crunches with Straight Leg Lift R
6:48 Elbow to Knee Side Plank Crunch R
7:24 Elbow to Knee Side Plank Crunch L
7:57 Rest 30sec
8:30 Hip Roll Plank
9:11 Mountain Climbers Shoulder Tap
9:49 Rest 30sec
10:22 Side Crunch (Wall)
11:02 Mountain Climber Across Wall
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