Scott Press Shoulder Exercise Tutorial | Isolate & Build Mr Olympia Shoulders
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The Scott Press. An exercise that was invented by Vince Gironda for the first Mr. Olympian Larry Scott. Larry had huge arms relative to his body and would always have problems with his triceps overworking on the standard shoulder press. So in order to help target the shoulders, with less work from the triceps, the Scott press was born.
How to:
Grasp a pair of dumbbells in each hand, and in the standing position bring the dumbbells up until your upper arms are parallel with the floor, and your elbows pointing slightly forward.
Begin by rotating your shoulders back (retracting your scapula), and elevating your shoulders in one fluid movement.
Finish with your elbows facing the ceiling and your thumbs pointed towards your crown, while maintaining about a 90 degree angle between your upper and lower arms.
Return the dumbbells to the starting position in the reverse motion.
Do not:
DO NOT keep your shoulders pronated.
DO NOT fully extend in your elbow joint, as this will defeat the purpose of the exercise by recruiting your triceps into the motion.
DO NOT release tension off of the muscles by lowering the dumbbells too far down.
DO NOT lean back, keep a vertical torso.
The benefits of this exercise is to target and focus on your deltoids and traps, while minimizing the work in your triceps.
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