Quick Ab Workout | 5 Minutes (FOLLOW ALONG!)

If you need a quick ab workout that can be effective in just 5 minutes this is going to become your go to follow along workout for abs. You don’t need any equipment at all to perform this fast ab workout. You can perform this at home with just a little space on the floor.

The key to any quick ab workout is that in order to be effective it has to follow the principles of science based ab training. That means that the ab exercises selected have to hit all of the areas of the core including the upper rectus abdominis, lower rectus abdominis, and obliques through each of the major functions of the abs. This means that rotational exercises are going to be important as well.

Rest time should always be kept to a minimum when performing ab workouts. The key to making the exercises doable even as you get fatigued is to shift the focus of the workload around the core. It is known that the lower ab fibers can be preferentially biased by performing ab exercises that initiate the movements from the pelvis. When you lift the pelvis back towards a fixed upper body you can more effectively hit the lower abs.

The downside to this approach is that the sheer act of lifting the legs can be quite challenging for many. Your legs have weight to them and performing lower ab exercises can be hard for those who have abs that aren’t strong enough to lift that weight. That said, performing these exercises is key to improving the overall strength of the core and getting you to be able to do this fast 5 minute ab workout easier over time.

Likewise, it is possible to influence the upper abdominal fibers more favorably when you perform 6 pack ab exercises that move from the top down. This means that when your shoulders are lifted off the floor and move towards a fixed pelvis these upper abs are going to be more active. The key to being able to perform an ab workout without getting fatigued to a point where you can’t continue is saving these easier top down exercises for last in the workout – as we have done here.

People may ask if it is ok to perform this ab workout every day.

You can.

The abs are made up of predominately slow twitch fibers good for helping to maintain posture. These tend to be very resilient to frequency and volume. That said, a long ab workout isn’t necessary to see results from ab training. You are better off developing a habit of consistent daily ab workouts in order to see your six pack abs develop in conjunction with following a diet plan that will help you to strip away any unwanted body fat that could be covering them right now.

Here is what this science based ab workout looks like:

Heels to the Heavens – 60 seconds (lower abs)
Twisting Pistons – 30 seconds (lower abs and obliques)
Dueling Clocks – 30 seconds (lower abd and obliques)
Rest – 30 seconds
Starfish Crunches – 60 seconds
Canoe Crunches – 60 seconds
Twisting T Planks – 30 seconds

In just 5 minutes you are able to get an effective workout for abs that can be performed each day to help you carve up your midsection and leave no stone unturned when it comes to training the muscles of your core.

If you are looking for a complete program that helps you develop the rest of your body in addition to your abs, be sure to head to athleanx.com and use the program selector tool. This will help you find a program catered specifically to your body and goals.

For more follow along ab workouts and videos on how to get 6 pack abs be sure to subscribe to this channel using the link above and turn on your notifications so you never miss a video when it’s published.

Get 6 Pack Abs Here – https://athleanx.com/x/5-min-ab-workout
Subscribe to this channel here – http://bit.ly/2b0coMW


Study on Ab Muscle Fiber Composition

Studies on Lower Ab Fiber Activation

