How to Improve Recovery

How many of these can you check off your recovery list?⠀

1. Sleep
Sleep is such a powerful fatigue fighter that it’s likely more effective than all of the other items on this list combined. In fact, if insufficient sleep is a chronic occurrence, it comes close to making even the best efforts on all other fatigue-fighting lines null and void.⠀

2. Food
Second, to sleep, the most powerful fatigue fighter is food. The less food you eat, the more difficult fatigue management becomes. While a properly balanced maintenance diet can definitely help with recovery, the further calories dip below maintenance, the more profoundly fatigue has a tendency to accumulate. With dieting, this is just fact of life and must be accepted. During fat loss dieting, that is precisely why making sure the other fatigue fighters like proper training management and sleep are in order.

3. Fun and Low Stress Activities
Third, on our list of powerful fatigue fighters, engaging in relaxing activities that aren’t strenuous or stressful can be of great help.

4. Compassionate Touching
Compassionate touching is the standard sports science term for the recovery/adaptation modality of all forms of intimate human contact. This includes formal sport massage and runs the gamut all the way to what you were probably thinking.

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