Full Body Morning Stretches

Fewer Aches and Pains. Morning stretches will help end aches in your joints and muscles. These pains can develop throughout the day, but you feel them in the morning. Stretching and breathing exercises have shown to reduce anxiety and stress. This daily class will guide you through 12 minutes of simple stretches.

00:00 Hamstring Stretch
00:48 Bent Knee Lying Twist
1:34 Child Pose
2:19 Cat
3:05 Cat-Cow
3:50 Puppy Pose
4:36 Happy Baby Pose
5:21 Behind Back Raise
6:07 90 to 90 Stretch R
6:43 90 to 90 Stretch L
7:19 Seated Wide Angle Pose
8:04 Pigeon right
8:40 Pigeon left
9:15 Sitting Lotus Pose
10:01 Side Bow Stretch
10:46 Bird Dog
11:32 Press Swan

#Stretch #Flexibility #Mobility #Morning
