Best Mobility Stretching Exercises At Home

This is a quick, full body stretch you can add into your daily routine! Also, this simple routine can be done to get a full-body stretch after walking, running, or doing a cardio workout.

00:00 Knee Raise Stretching
00:48 Reach Up Back Rotation
1:34 Back Rotation
2:19 Hamstring Stretch
3:06 Abdominal Vacuum
3:51 Parivrtta Anjaneyasana
4:36 Cat Stretch
5:22 Pigeon R
5:58 Pigeon L
6:33 Half Frog Stretch
7:18 Swan
8:04 Cross Stretch
8:50 Adductor Stretch
9:36 Calf Stretch
10:16 Wide Angle Pose
10:51 Yoga Pose Butterfly

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