Choosing the right weights for your workouts is all about experimentation and learning! You probably won’t get it exactly right the first time so give yourself space to learn and try different things.
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If you instantly lose form or cannot complete more than a few reps with proper form – your weights are too heavy 🥵 On the other hand, if you don’t feel any resistance or challenge and get to the end of a set feeling like you could bust out more reps – then your weights are probably too light. You’ll know you’ve selected the correct weights if you can complete all sets without losing proper form. The last 1-2 reps should really feel like a challenge but you should still feel in control.
When I’m trying out a new exercise, I like to do the first few reps with a lighter weight so that I can perfect my form. Once I’m confident with the movement, I’ll challenge myself with a heavier weight and if I start to lose form I’ll decrease the weight so that I can finish off the set. Play around, have fun and do what feels right for YOU! 👊🏼
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